Books and Literature

Our library of available books and pamphlets is very large. Download the 2025 Catalog (6 megabyte PDF)

Our limited financial resources makes it difficult to put the complete catalog on-line. Therefore, we have devised the following system to help expedite your order.

Our order form is a four page form. You can print and mail, or fill it out (it’s a writeable PDF) and email it to us and follow up with a check in the mail.


1. Download the Al-Anon Order Form by clicking here and print it out.
2. Fill in the quantities and costs for each page.
3. Fill in total quantities and costs on the last page.
4. Send it by mail or post and send a check or money-order, payable to “North Jersey LDC”
(North Jersey Literature Distribution Center)
5. Mail to:

Al-Anon/North Jersey LDC
P.O. Box 646
Montclair, New Jersey 07042-0646

Literature may also be purchased at our office. PLEASE call before coming.

For literature and North Jersey Information Questions
Phone: 973-744-8686
10:00 am to 5:00 pm